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  • Writer's pictureDennis Gatheright

Declaration and Authorization of Faith

Once we have the authorization then we can start declaring with faith how our outcome shall be. Unfortunately we declare and in that declaring we are speaking the wrong things in our life.

Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Job 22:28

After these declarations then we have to make sure that our words are authorized by God then all things are possible to them that believe. We have to know what the word of God promises us then we will be able to enjoy the promises of God.

The authorization is what matters. So before we move any mountains we must align our words under God’s rule and perspective. Your declaration must have his authorization.

Watch your Mouth Tony Evans (2016)

Therefore if God said it we can consider it done the Lord promises that nothing will come out of his mouth without getting the results that he expressed. His expression is what develops the blessings because his word prospers whereunto he sends it. The scripture also mentions that he will do what he pleases and the only way we can please God is by having faith. Once we know his word we make the declaration knowing that he will authorize what we are saying based on his word. Then we can act on what the Lord says and automatically get mountain moving result. We have to remember that the Lord will test us with what he gave us which is his word, but will we be afraid or have faith? Then we allow the word that’s hid in our heart to help us when our faith is being tested. We can’t give up on what God’s word because the everyday toils of life comes testing us through our five senses. What smells good might not be good, looks are deceptive and how often do we hear the wrong thing. Touching can be deceptive to the senses and we must use our taste bud to taste and see that the Lord is good.

Once we master this we can drive forward with our faith and not slack up. This will allow us to prophesy to our situations and based on the word of God we will have the authorization for change to become a reality in our lives. Once this takes place we have a life changing experience that will surprise us daily.

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isiah 55:11

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